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Reducing nitrogen surplus and environmental losses by optimized nitrogen and water management in double rice cropping system of South China


Kaiming Lianga,b, Xuhua Zhonga,*, Junfeng Pana, Nongrong Huanga, Yanzhuo Liua,  Bilin Penga, Youqiang Fua, Xiangyu Hua

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment


Optimized agronomic management improves nitrogen (N) use efficiency in crop production. However, limited information exists about the effect of improved agronomic practices on the N surplus in double rice cropping system. In this study, we conducted field experiments to evaluate the N surplus for the prevailing farmers’ practices (FP), optimized N management (OPTN) and optimized N and water management (OPTNW) during 2016–2017 in Guangdong province, South China. Grain yield, recovery efficiency (REN), partial factor pro[1]ductivity (PFPN) and agronomic efficiency (AE) of applied N in OPTN and OPTNW were substantially higher than FP. The yearly N surplus and environmental N loss in OPTN were 29.4% and 26.2% lower than FP, respectively. The N surplus in OPTNW was 32.1% lower than FP. Annual N losses resulting from runoff and leaching in OPTNW were reduced by 45.0% and 17.4%, respectively, compared with OPTN. Pooled data of 22 on-farm field trials from six sites in 2014–2017 showed that N input in OPTN and OPTNW was 16.2%–33.8% lower than FP. The tradable N output in OPTN and OPTNW was 9.9% and 9.0% greater than FP, respectively. The N efficiency of cropping systems (NUEc) in OPTN and OPTNW was increased by 39.8% and 42.0%, respectively, compared with FP. N surplus notably increased with the increasing fertilizer N input, and decreased with the increasing tradable N output and NUEc. These results suggest that through optimized N and irrigation management, N surplus and environmental risk can be practically reduced in a double rice cropping system without yield penalty.

Keywords: Nitrogen use efficiency  N management  Water management  N surplus  Environmental N losses

附件:Reducing nitrogen surplus and environmental losses by optimized nitrogen and water management in double rice cropping system of South China

版权所有:广东省农业科学院水稻研究所 粤CIP备12058351号-2 地址:广州市金颖东一街3号 邮编:510640