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(1)    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“利用高通量华南籼稻品种特异SNP芯片发掘根系形状性状基因的研究”;

(2)    国家“863”重大项目“绿色超级稻新品种选育”子课题;




Wenqiang Sun, Dawei Gao, Yin Xiong, Xinxin Tang, Xiongfeng Xiao,Chongrong Wangand Sibin Yu*. Hairy Leaf 6, an AP2/ERF Transcription Factor, Interacts with OsWOX3B and Regulates Trichome Formation in Rice. Molecular Plant. 2017, 10(11): 1417-1433

Degui Zhou#, Wei Chen#,Zechuan Lin#,Haodong Chen#,Chongrong Wang#,Hong Li,Renbo Yu,Fengyun Zhang,Gang Zhen,Junliang Yi,Kanghuo Li,Yaoguang Liu,William Terzaghi,Xiaoyan Tang,Hang He*,Shaochuan Zhou*,Xing Wang Deng*. Pedigree-based analysis of derivation of genome segments of an elite rice reveals key regions during its breeding. Plant Biotechnol J. 2016, 14(2): 638-648

Chongrong Wang, Seng Chen, Sibin Yu. Functional markers developed from multiple loci in GS3 for fine marker-assisted selection of grain length in rice. Theor Appl Genet. 2011, 122(5): 905-913;

Zehong Ding,Chongrong Wang, Sheng Chen and Sibin Yu. Diversity and selective sweep in the OsAMT1;1 genomic region of rice. BMC Evol Biol. 2011, 11: 61

Hailiang Mao, Shengyuan Sun, Jialing Yao,Chongrong Wang, Sinbin Yu, Caiguo Xue, Xianghua Li, and Qifa Zhang. Linking differential domain functions of the GS3 protein to natural variation of grain size in rice. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 2010, 107 (45): 19579-19584

Chuchuan Fan, Sibin Yu,Chongrong Wang, Yongzhong Xing. A causal C-A mutation in the second exon of GS3 highly associated with rice grain length and validated as a functional marker. Theor Appl Genet, 2009, 118 (3): 465-472


版权所有:广东省农业科学院水稻研究所 粤CIP备12058351号-2 地址:广州市金颖东一街3号 邮编:510640